Kubota Compact Excavator with FAE Mulcher Head Cutting Brush

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Kubota Compact Excavator with FAE Mulcher Head Cutting Brush

Since Kubota compact construction equipment is only getting more powerful with each new product introduction, it is no surprise the attachment options for this equipment continue to grow. Today it is quite common to find a mower/mulching head on a compact excavator. These heads are being used to maintain utility right of ways, roadsides, and to clear land for future development. Since there are so many available options it is important to understand what each head has to offer.



Mower heads for excavators can be broken into two distinct categories, fixed tooth and flail style. A fixed tooth head will primarily be used for woody material and lots of it. This head would be used to shred small trees in a land clearing application. The flail heads are great at mowing anything from light brush down to pasture edges with grass. Flail heads offer great versatility while a fixed tooth head is superior in mulching wood.

FAE is a manufacturer of specialized attachments ranging from stone crushers to fixed tooth mulching heads. They make heads that can be easily fitted to our line of Kubota KX excavators and SVL compact track loaders. These heads do not require extensive maintenance due to their design. The cutting knifes are bolted in place making them easy to change out reducing down time. There are many more features and benefits to equipping Kubota construction equipment with FAE attachments so if you would like to learn more about Kubota compact construction equipment and mulching head options for each product model, please reach out to our sales department in Plainfield, NH at 603-675-6347 or in Pittsford VT at 802-483-6464.

To learn more about our full line-up of Kubota compact excavators, click here. 

To learn more about our full line-up of Kubota compact track loaders, click here.

Townline Equipment is the leading Kubota dealer in Plainfield NH and Pittsford VT. We sell and service a large variety of equipment and Kubota's full line of Kubota compact construction equipment including Kubota excavators, compact track loaders, skid steers and wheel loaders. We also sell and service FAE mulching heads.  Contact Us Today: Plainfield NH - 603-675-6347 / Pittsford VT – 802-483-6464 / Email: info@townlineequipment. Videos and articles on our blog are meant to be a general guide only. Always consult your owner’s manual for additional detailed product information and related safety precautions. Visit www./disclaimer for more information.