Winter Tricks to Stay Running this Winter

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Winter Tricks to Stay Running this Winter
The forecast is looking pretty cold, but don’t let that get in the way of using your equipment. Here are some simple helpful hints to have your machine ready to work in the colder months. You should start to treat your fuel in October and continue through March. Periodically check your water separator for moisture accumulating and drain it. When the temps drop below freezing, plug your block heater in to warm up your coolant prior to starting.
For additional assistance this winter with your equipment, feel free to reach out any time with our service link below or call or text any of our six locations: Request Service

Learn more about these units and the full product line reach out by visiting:  Request Service

Townline Equipment is the leading Kubota dealer with locations in Plainfield, New Hampshire, Pittsford, Vermont, Troy, New York, Sharon Springs, New York and Oneonta, New York. We sell and service a large variety of equipment including Kubota tractors, Kubota utility vehicles, Kubota zero turn mowers, Kubota construction equipment and Kubota haytools.  If we can be of service, contact us today in Plainfield, New Hampshire at 603-675-6347, Pittsford, Vermont at 802-483-6464, Troy , New York at 518-279-9709, Sharon Springs, New York at 518-284-2346, Greenville, New York 518-966-4346 and Oneonta, New York at 607-432-8411. You can also email us at info@townlineequipment.  The videos and articles on our blog are meant to be a general guide only, so please always consult your owner’s manual for additional detailed product information and related safety precautions. For more information, please visit www./disclaimer